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The tools of treatment

Many dentists, RCT, can be described by the words of Winston Churchill's Golf: "it is impossible, the impossible game with " tools". The complexity of the anatomy of root canals, the relative rigidity of the root canal instruments, being unable often visualize the area properly, and the lack of space in the mouth provide significant problems with the skill and patience of a doctor. Intracanal work exclusively demanding; this is evident in the numerous radiographically based on epidemiological studies, which are often report that many indigenous seals do not correspond to the acceptable standards. As the clinical outcome is directly connected with the quality of treatment, the high incidence of substandard performances is a subject of great concern to the profession.

The last 10-15 years have seen enormous technological development that promotes endodontic treatment and increases the potential to increase the General level (7). For example, the emergence of super-flexible Nickel-titanium alloy allowed to make tools, which are very flexible and can follow the anatomy of root canals and, therefore, produce good quality channel of drugs.

In addition, the systems have been developed that allow the instruments will operate the machine, and not manually increase shallow manipulation and reduce operator fatigue. A surgical microscope brought light and vision in the cavity of the tooth. Working under high magnification, it is now far easier to remove mineralization, find a small root canals, holes and management of intracanal procedures than with the naked eye or with a magnifying glass. However, high quality microscopes are expensive and, thus, this technology has been limited adoption of other dentists, than those that specialize in endodontics.

In the epicenter of the technological boom should not forget that endodontics is, first of all, about how to control the infection. While intracanal work is aimed at the elimination of infectious elements and create conditions for the subsequent filling of root, these efforts would be futile, if measures were not taken to prevent oral pollutants from the entrance of the root canal space during the procedure. Fortunately, there are medical procedures which can be performed as aseptically as endodontic therapy. Shielding tooth rubber dam is the oldest and still the most effective way to ensure that the operation field is sterile (Fig. 1.5). This measure also facilitates the procedure and is critical for clinical success endodontic therapy.


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