1. Overview of
Periodontal abscess
A. Introduction in the Periodontal abscess
1. Periodontal abscess can be defined as an acute infection with the participation of a limited collection of pus in the periodontium.
One of the key factors for long-term success of dental implants is to maintain the health of the tissue around the implant. Successful exploitation requires the active participation of the patient and the dentist.
1. Considerations for implantation of service
A. objectives of maintenance therapy for dental implants
Dental implant is an nonbiologic (artificial) the device is surgically inserted into the jaw to (1) to replace a missing tooth or (2) support for orthopaedic prostheses. Over the last 30 years of scientific studies have confirmed the success of implantation as a possible option for replacing missing teeth with partial or fully edentulous patients [1-7]. Hygienist plays an important role in patient education and professional service dental implant. Understanding basic concepts of implantology and anatomy tissue around the implant is a prerequisite for understanding the maintenance of dental implants.
A. introduction mouth rinse
1. Many mouth, and currently therapeutic solutions for rinsing of the mouth. Therapeutic solutions for rinsing of the mouth are solutions for rinsing of the mouth, which have some real advantages (to provide some therapeutic action)to the patient, in addition to the simple goal is to make the breath smell a bit better.
a. In the context of this Chapter therapeutic solutions for rinsing of the mouth will be conditioners that reduction of plaque biofilm enough to also reduce the severity of gingivitis (Fig. 28-5).
1. Introduction to professional irrigation
A. description of the Sub-irrigation. Professional irrigation technology is
in the office washing pockets performance or dentist, dental hygienist, using one of three systems:
1. Blunt tip irrigation cannula, which is attached to the manual syringe (Fig. 27-9)
Irrigation is performed using standard irrigation Council, subgingival soft rubber tip, or soft conical brush orthodontic tip.

1. Standard irrigation tips, usually made of plastic (Fig. 27-5A).
a. Standard tip is used by placing the tip at the angle of 90 degrees on the neck of the tooth near the gingival margin.
B. Dental water jet devices with standard irrigation tips can deliver a solution that penetrates to a depth of 50% or more of the pocket [5].
Most decisions can be used in a dental water jet. The most effective Agent is the one that is acceptable to the patient.
1. Water
a. A simple tap water, has demonstrated its high efficiency in numerous clinical trials [3,6,7,10,13,15-17,19]. Therefore, in addition to any antimicrobial agent for the house of irrigation oral cavity should be treated with caution.

B. Water has several advantages; it is an affordable, cost-effective and have no side effects.
A. individuals on periodontal maintenance. Studies have shown that daily use of a dental water jet can be useful for patients with gingivitis or for those who are in periodontal maintenance [6-10,13,14,18,20].
1. Daily irrigation during the 6-month period, reduces bleeding on probing 50% [13].
2. Patients with 5 mm pockets and bleeding, which added daily irrigation traditional home care " achieved a significant reduction in inflammation and gum bleeding on probing, when compared with patients using only traditional self-help methods [18].
This Chapter examines the role of supragingival and
subgingival irrigation in the treatment of periodontal disease. The main goal swpragingival irrigation to reduce the inflammation of the gums, disrupting bacterial biofilms coronal to the
gingival margin. The purpose swfogingival irrigation is to reduce the number of
bacteria in the periodontal pocket space.
Many patients with floor languages that make it difficult to maintain a breath of fresh air and to reduce the sense of taste. Daily cleaning control language unpleasant smell from a mouth and can help maintain a healthy periodontal environment.
A. rationale for language cleaning
1. Language floor consists of bacteria and other decaying remnants, which manufactures of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan.