1. Microscopic anatomy paroxizmalnaya form epithelium
A. components paroxizmalnaya form epithelium (JE). In paroxizmalna form epithelium consists of
1. Abundant cells
a. Layers tightly Packed epithelial cells
B. Desmosomes and hemidesmosomes-specialized cell junctions
2. Sparse extracellular matrix
a. Internal basement membrane is a thin Mat of extracellular matrix between epithelial cells paroxizmalnaya form of cancer and the tooth surface.
B. External basement membrane is a thin Mat of extracellular matrix between epithelial cells paroxizmalnaya form epithelial and connective tissue of the gums.
2. Attachment paroxizmalnaya form epithelium on the tooth surface
A. the application to the tooth surface
1. SP cells near the surface of the tooth form hemidesmosomes that allow these cells are attached to the inside of the basal membrane surface of the tooth [5-8].
2. Internal basal layer of a thin sheet of extracellular matrix surrounding the tooth surface.
3. Epithelial cells are physically attach to the surface of the tooth with the help of four to eight hemidesmosomes / mcm in the estuarine zone and two hemidesmosomes / mcm in the apical zone paroxizmalnaya form epithelium [9,10]. Apical zone - zone paroxizmalnaya form epithelium with the least adhesion (Fig. 2-9, 2-10).
4. The attachment hemidesmosomes and internal basement membrane to the surface of the tooth is not static, and the cells paroxizmalnaya form epithelium, it seems, is able to move along the surface of the tooth.
B. the application to the base of connective tissue in the gums
1. The epithelial cells paroxizmalnaya form epithelium be attached to the base of connective tissue in the gums through hemidesmosomes and external basement membrane (Fig. 2-9) [7,8,11].
2. In health, paroxizmalnaya form epithelium has a smooth fabric interface with connective tissue (not wavy junctions).
