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1. Bacterial colonization of the tooth surface

A. layers and layers of bacteria. In biofilms developed by stacking one species of bacteria on top of the other types of bacteria. Mature dental biofilm not consist of only one type of bacteria.

B. Coaggregation bacteria

1. Coaggregation from one cell to the observance of one of oral bacteria to another (Fig. 6-12).

2. Coaggregation is not random; instead, each bacterial strain has only a limited set of bacteria, to which they are able to perform.

3. The ability to adhesion and coaggregate is an important factor in the development of bacterial biofilms.

2. The sequence of colonization

A. early bacterial colonizers: it is important bacterial consecutive

1. The first bacteria to colonize the surface of the tooth is not pathogenic (Fig. 6-13). The ability of these species attach to the surface of the tooth lays the Foundation for the growth of plaque biofilm (box 6-1).



Periodontal pathogens are not able to colonize biofilms, while pathogenic species are attached to the tooth surface.

B. Periodontal pathogens remain floating freely in your mouth as long as the signals from the beginning of the colonialists indicate that favorable conditions are created for pathogenic species to join biofilms.

2. At the beginning of bacterial colonialists surface of the tooth include many types of streptococci, such as Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus oralis, which are able to make to the tooth film, and also with each other [28,29]. Another early settler is Actinomyces viscosus.

3. At the beginning of bacterial colonialists release chemical signals that indicate the following group of bacteria that creates favourable conditions for them to join biofilms.

4. At the beginning of streptococcal colonialists able coaggregate and many other early colonization of bacteria and intermediate species (Fig. 6-13). Many early and intermediate colonizing species unable to attach to the tooth films, but have the ability to coaggregate with streptococcal species.

5. Free floating bacteria cannot join biofilms as long as the conditions are favorable. The continuity of bacteria enters into biofilm comparable to primary school students who ask are arranged in alphabetical order, as their teacher calls them by name. Students whose last name begins with the letter "O" unable to queue up until all students whose last name begins with "m " and " N", took his place in line. B. medium and late colonizers

1. As in the case of early bacterial colonialists, middle and late colonizers should join biofilms in the correct sequence.

2. Intermediate species such as Fusobacterium nucleatum, in turn coaggregate with the last of the colonialists. Many pathogens of diseases of parodont the end of biofilms colonialists...

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