Free Gingiva
Free gum is an unincorporated part of the gums surrounding the teeth in the region FAC (Fig. 1-5). Free gum also known as free gum or marginal gums. Free gum is coronal (above) FAC. It is surrounded by the tooth in a turtleneck or cufflike way. Free gum is attached to the tooth using a special epithelium - paroxizmalnaya form epithelium.
- Fabrics free gum tightly around the tooth, but not directly attached to it.
- This fabric, as it is unattached, can be gently stretched from the surface of the tooth with a periodontal probe.
- Free gum forms of soft tissue wall of the gingival sulcus.
- Fabrics free gum is responsible tooth thin rounded edge is called the gingival margin (Fig. 1-5).
- Gingival contours of teeth, creating a wavy (wavy) outline around them.