Irrigation Tips
Irrigation is performed using standard irrigation Council, subgingival soft rubber tip, or soft conical brush orthodontic tip.

1. Standard irrigation tips, usually made of plastic (Fig. 27-5A).
a. Standard tip is used by placing the tip at the angle of 90 degrees on the neck of the tooth near the gingival margin.
B. Dental water jet devices with standard irrigation tips can deliver a solution that penetrates to a depth of 50% or more of the pocket [5].
c. This type of Board is recommended for generalized, mouth full irrigation.
2. Irrigation technology tips, as a rule, have a soft rubber tip end (Fig. 27-5B).
a. Soft rubber tip gently placed under the gingival margin.
B. Subgingival placing the tip allows water or susceptible to antimicrobial agents to penetrate deeper into his pocket.
1) the periodontal pockets of 6 mm or less in depth, in the subgingival the Board may deliver water that penetrates to 90% from the depths of his pocket.
2) in the deeper pockets and more than 7 mm-Depth of penetration is slightly less than 64% in the depth of the pocket [4].
c. Irrigation technology tips are recommended for use in areas such as deep pockets, fork areas, dental implants, or areas that are difficult to reach with standard Council.
3. Orthodontic irrigation councils have soft conical brush end that enhances remove plaque microorganisms and is used for simultaneous irrigation (Fig. 27-5C).
a. These tips are used like the standard irrigation Board by placing the tip at the angle of 90 degrees on the neck of the tooth near the gingival margin.
B. The bristles should come to light contact with the teeth, implantation, or orthodontic appliances to facilitate biofilms removal.
1) orthodontic tip when used in combination with teeth cleaning was 3.76 times more efficiently than dental floss to remove plaque biofilm.
2) when compared with teeth cleaning only, brushing your teeth and jaw Council combination was 5.83 times more effective [19].
c. Orthodontic tips can be used to mouth full irrigation and are recommended for people with orthodontics, implants, or who need extra help with biofilms removal.
C. the order of use of the standard tip
1. Initially, the pressure settings should be adapted to its minimum value.
2. Over time, as a condition of gum tissue, improves, the pressure must be increased at least the medium setting, as this setting where clinical efficacy has been demonstrated [1,2].
3. The water spray is used to "trace" along the gingival margin with a tip
in position at an angle of 90 degrees, almost touching the gums (Fig. 27-6).
4. The tip should be held briefly at each of removal of sediments region.
D. procedure for use of Subgingival irrigation Council
1. Dental hygienist must inform the patient about the directions in his or her mouth, where the use of subgingival irrigation Council will be profitable, such as pockets, dental implants, or fork areas. The patient should be instructed on the use of the Council in each region or in these areas.
2. The pressure setting to its minimum value. Subgingival tip
designed for use only at low pressures.
3. The manufacturer`s recommendations should be followed for use of the tip. Some tips are placed at the gingival margin, others can be placed 2 mm below the gingival margin.
4. The tip should be placed at the site before watering devices. Subgingival tip aimed at a 45-degree angle and placed in the gingival margin or slightly under the gingival margin in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations (Fig. 27-7).
5. After the Council, irrigation, the device is switched on and the liquid is allowed stream briefly in the field.
6. After the site was irrigated block paused and subgingival Council moves to the next corner of his mouth.
E. the order of use of Orthodontic tip
1. The initial set point pressure should be adapted to its minimum value.
2. Over time, as a condition of gum tissue, improves, the pressure must be increased at least the medium setting, as this setting where clinical efficacy has been demonstrated [1,2].
3. The water spray is used to "trace" along the gingival margin with a tip in the position at an angle of 90 degrees with regard to the gums (Fig. 27-8).
4. The tip should be held briefly remove the deposits in each district.
5. This tip can also be placed around braces or wires to improve cleaning.