Nerve supply to the periodontium
Innervation periodontium and nerve supply of
periodontal tissues occurs through the branches of the trigeminal nerve (Fig. 1-20). Innervation of the jaw (Fig. 1-21) on the second branch of the trigeminal nerve (maxillary nerve) and lower jaw in the third Department (mandibular nerve).

- Trigeminal nerves have sensory, motor, and intermediate roots, which are mounted directly to the brain.
- The trigeminal nerve is responsible for the touch sensitivity of most skin the front of the face and head, teeth, mouth cavity and maxillary sinuses and the nasal cavity.
- The motor function of the trigeminal nerve is important for the act of chewing.
Nerve receptors in the gums, alveolar bone and
periodontal ligament to register pain, touch and pressure. Nerves in the periodontal ligament providing information about the movement and position of the teeth.
These nerves that give the feeling of a light touch or pressure on the teeth and play an important role in the regulation of the chewing forces and movements. When the bite down on something hard, nerves periodontal ligament promoted, allowing man to feel the pressure from the teeth from hard object.

Innervation gums maxillary arch of the superior alveolar nerves (front, middle and rear branches), infraorbital nerve, and more, the Palatine hill and nasopalatine nerves (Fig. 1-21). Innervation gums mandibular arch of mental nerves, nervous tissue, and sublingual branch of the lingual nerve (Fig. 1-22).
Innervation teeth and periodontal ligament maxillary arch of the superior alveolar nerves (front, middle and rear of the branches). Innervation teeth and periodontal ligaments of the lower jaw arch from the Lower alveolar nerve.