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The Complex Structure of Mature Dental Plaque Biofilms

A. Bacterial Microcolonies

1. Bacteria in biofilms are not distributed evenly. As the bacteria to attach to the surface and with each other, they all come together to form a mushroom microcolonies that are attached to the tooth surface to narrow base (Fig. 6-10).

2. Each microcolony tiny independent community with thousands compatible bacteria. Various microcolonies can contain various combinations of species of bacteria.


1. The structure of plaque Biofilm development

A. 1-St stage-film coating

1. In several minutes after cleaning the surface of the tooth, the film forms on the surface of the tooth. This film, acquired film, consisting of various salivary glycoproteins (mucins) and antibodies.

The Structure and Colonization of Plaque Biofilms

The pattern of plaque biofilm development can be divided into five stages: (1) formation of the acquired film, (2) securing the beginning of bacterial colonialists, (3) coaggregation additional bacterial colonialists, and (4) the formation of extracellular layer of mucus and microcolony education. Phase 5 is a Mature biofilm characterized bacterial microcolonies that forms complex group with primitive communication systems and fluid channels (Fig. 6-9).

Porphyromonas gingivalis

1. P. gingivalis can be found in small quantities in health or gingivitis, but more common in aggressive forms of periodontitis [18,19].

2. Species occurs in increasing the number of subjects to show the progression of periodontal disease (deterioration of the defeat of periodontal} [20].

3. P. gingivalis usually observed at sites which display disease recurrence or persistence of deep periodontal pockets after treatment of periodontal [20].


1. Introduction to periodontal Pathogens

A. despite more than 500 species of bacteria were isolated from the periodontal pockets, it is likely that only a small percentage of these bacteria periodontal pathogens.

B. several microorganisms were strongly associated with chronic periodontitis [5]. Refer to table 6-1 list of suspects periodontal pathogens. Future research will likely identify additional periodontal pathogens.

C. in the future, dentists can perform diagnostic tests and treatments are aimed specifically at these periodontal pathogens.

Bacteria Associated with Gingivitis

And in gingivitis, the number of bacteria that can be cultured from individual customers varies from 1000 to 100 000 bacteria [2].

B. bacteria found in chronic gingivitis are almost equal proportions of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Gram-negative bacilli, make up about 40% of bacteria, gingivitis (Fig. 6-6).

3. Bacteria associated with Periodontal disease

A. periodontal disease is associated with a variety of gram-negative bacteria.


Research clearly shows that different groups of bacteria associated with periodontal health against diseases of parodont.

1. Bacteria associated with health

A. in the area of health, the number of bacteria that can be cultured from individual healthy grooves between 100 and 1000 bacteria [1,2].

Life Cycle of a Biofilm

In biofilms life cycle consists of three stages: attachment, growth, and the unit (Fig. 6-4).

A. The Application. The bacteria to attach to the surface.

Attached bacteria began to produce substances that attract other free floating bacteria to join biofilm communities (Fig. 6-8).


Until recently, the bacteria have been studied, as they grew on culture plates in the laboratory. Recent advances in technology studies have allowed researchers to study bacteria in their natural habitat. These studies showed that the majority of bacteria live in a difficult group, called biofilms, and that " biofilms are found everywhere in nature.

Where Bacteria Live

Bacteria live almost everywhere, even in conditions where other forms of life cannot survive. Bacteria are always present on the skin, and digestive and respiratory systems of humans.

And the answer to gaseous oxygen (02). Most bacteria can be placed into one of three groups based on their answers to 02.

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