1. Characteristics of bacteria
A. Description
1. Bacterium (plural, bacteria). Bacteria, protozoan organisms and can be seen only with a microscope (Fig. 6-1).
Risk factors are factors that can change or increase the likelihood of development of periodontal disease. The main established risk factors of periodontal disease are specific bacterial pathogens, Smoking, diabetes mellitus.
1. Local and acquired risk factors
And Intermittent Progression Theory (Current View). Intermittent
disease progression theory suggests that periodontal disease is characterized by periods of disease activity and inactivity (remission) (Fig. 5-9).
1. Tissue destruction occurs sporadically, with short periods of tissue destruction alternate with periods of disease activity (no tissue destruction). The period of inactivity without the progression of the disease may last several months or for a longer period of time.
For many years, clinical researchers tried to find the answer to the question, "how untreated
periodontal disease progress?" In this context, the progression of the disease means that the disease gets worse. The data of the research show that the model the progression of the disease may be different from (1) one individual to another, (2) one site to another in a person's mouth, and (3) one type of periodontal on the other.
And Professional Care
1. Today, the treatment of periodontal diseases aimed at management of bacterial, local and systemic etiological factors of periodontal disease.
2. Periodontal technical staff (recall purpose) should be scheduled as often as necessary to help the patient in the fight against disease.
In recent years, advances in research have led to a fundamental change in our understanding of periodontal diseases and led to the development of a new theory of
risk factors of periodontal disease. Currently, researchers believe that the presence of plaque biofilm, alone, is not enough to cause periodontal disease.
A. calculus as a risk factor up to 1960
1. Theory. Until 1960, clinicians believed that periodontal disease was caused solely by the presence of calculus deposits, which act as a mechanical irritant to the fabric (Fig. 5-5).
2. Treatment until 1960
Over time, the researchers changed their ideas, the main risk factors of periodontal disease. This Chapter presents a brief historical overview of how the understanding of the
risk factors of the disease has evolved over the years (table. 5-2). Awareness of the latest theories is useful to understand the reasons why recommendations for the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases changed so much over the years. 60-year-old patient who received regular tooth maintenance over the years will first visit to the dental office in 1950-ies (provided that his first visit to the dentist was 10 years).
a. The presence of periodontal disease is measured clinically several ways. One way is to calculate loss of periodontal attachment. The loss of attachment is the term used to describe the destruction of connective tissues of parodentium and
alveolar bone that support the teeth. Figure 5-3 shows that investments loss of 4 mm or more affects approximately half of adults aged 50 to 59 [2].
Research of fabrics of parodont and indicates that he is one of the most common diseases among American adults, most people who have periodontal disease unaware of his presence. Data about the dental health of the U.S. population, originally from the third national health and nutrition (NHANES III) [2].