1. The clinical picture of healthy gums
A. color: pink, can be pigmented and elastic consistency.
B. Gingival
1. The timing circuit
2. Hotel coronal (above) cementoenamel junction (FAC).
The pathogenesis is the sequence of events that occur during the development of any disease or abnormal condition. Periodontal, exists in three main conditions: health,
gingivitis and periodontitis (Fig. 3-1 and 3-2). It is important to understand the differences between health, gingivitis and periodontitis (table. 3-1). This section provides an overview of the three main States in clinical and microscopic levels.
1. The definition.
Alveolar process or alveolar bone is part of the upper and lower jaws which generate and maintain the sockets of the teeth (Fig. 2-22).
2. The function of the alveolar process in Periodontal
And protects the roots of the teeth. Alveolar bone forms bony sockets that support and protect the roots of the teeth.
A. Acellular Cement. Acellular cement, primarily responsible for attaching the tooth alveolar ridge (Fig. 2-20).
1. Does not contain live cells within its mineralized tissues
1. Saving of cement is ideal because of loss of cement accompanied impact dentinal tubules and loss of attachment of the
periodontal ligament fibers on the root surface.
1. The definition. Cement is saline layer of connective tissue that covers the root of the tooth. Anatomically, cement is part of the tooth; however, it is also part of parodont.
A. functions of cement
1. The ends of the fibers of the connective tissues of parodentium, which is embedded in cement, and alveolar bone is known as Sharpey fibers (Fig. 2-18).
2. The attachment fiber bundles occurs when the cement and bones are formed. As cement, forms, fabrics around hardens the ends of periodontal fibers (Sharpey fibers) surrounding them with cement. The same process occurs in the process of bone formation. As the bone wall of the tooth socket hardens, it surrounds the ends of periodontal fibers with Bones. The ends of the fiber bundles, fall into the bone that forms around them.
1. Helper function is the main
function of the periodontal ligament, to secure the tooth, his bony socket and isolate the tooth from the wall socket, so the root does not conflict with the bone during chewing.
2. Sensory function-periodontal ligament comes with nerve fibers that transmit tactile pressure (such as a crane with a dental instrument against tooth and pain.
A. Definition. Periodontal ligament (PDL) is a thin sheet of fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the roots of the teeth and joins cement root from the wall socket. The thickness of the periodontal ligament varies from 0.05 to 0.25.mm depending on the age of the patient and functions tooth [14].
1. Fasten free gum categorically against tooth and strengthen attachment JE tooth.
2. The free gum with the rigidity needed to withstand the force of friction that results during chewing.
3. To combine free gum with cement root and alveolar bone.