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Dental Abuse

Dental Abuse
With few exceptions, modern dentistry is inhuman system. Many dentists to force patients to procedures that do not need them. Part of this system of forced first to condemn patients with setbacks in life because they do not prevent tooth decay due to poor oral hygiene. These accusations can ease patients ' sense of self and make them subject to unnecessary dental procedures. You know, the dentist has abused you, if you feel sick or terrible in their presence, or if they try to get you to procedures that You are not sure. Most dentists in business to make money. and the business aspect damaged most dentists so accurately and carefully, it makes them behave irresponsibly ways.

Dental abuse, physical violence, because the treatment of teeth, when absolutely no need for the damage and harm your physical body. Dental treatment, which use toxic metals cause illness, pain and suffering. This is also one of the forms of physical violence, and it is unethical...

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