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Postoperative dental sensitivity

Postoperative dental sensitivity is usually caused by unsealing of dentinal canals. This in turn is caused by acid treatment of dental tissues. Postoperative dental sensitivity can be observed after these procedures: leveling of the root, removal of dental calculus, bleaching of teeth, and periodontal treatment.

Semiluxation of tooth

Luxation of tooth is a pathological dislocation of tooth. The most dangerous thing about luxation of tooth is that it injures the alveoli. There are not so many factors that cause luxation of teeth. One of the most widespread causes is mechanical effect (usually a stroke that damages dental ligamentous apparatus).

Different groups of teeth are more prone to different factors that cause luxation. For instance, luxation of canine and central teeth is usually caused by a stroke or a bad fall while root teeth are usually damaged as a result of non-observance of tooth extraction technique.

Wedgelike defect

Stomatological diseases are numerous. Some of them are more or less "popular while the rest are not. Wedgelike defect is one of those unpopular diseases. Wedgelike defect is a serious pathology. It changes the outlook of hard dental tissues. Eventually the tooth starts looking like a wedge. Wedgelike defect usually affects the dental cervix of both the mandible and the maxilla (usually the labial and cheek surfaces). Wedgelike defect has much in common with caries though it is a non-carious lesion of dental tissues. Wedgelike defect mostly affects middle-aged aged people.

Hyperesthesia of dental tissues

Hyperesthesia of dental tissues is an increase dental sensitivity caused by different irritants. Usually they are of mechanic, chemical or temperature origin. Sometimes hyperesthesia follows various non-carious pathologies of dental tissues. One of such pathologies is increased erasability of teeth.

How to treat caries?

Some people think that it is enough to fill the bad tooth and caries will be gone. It is true, but before that it is necessary to find out two things: how deep has caries affected the tooth and what group does the damaged tooth belong to? Knowing this, it will be easier for the dentist to find the right filling material and to use the most appropriate method of treatment.

Caries of teeth

Caries is one of the most widespread stomatological diseases in the world. Caries is a very dangerous process as it can destruct not only teeth but also bones. The main cause of caries is the influence of acids produces by bacteria living in the human organism. These bacteria decompose sugar that can be found in human blood.

Periodontitis. Treatment of periodontitis

Periodontitis is one of the most serious stomatological diseases. In fact, periodontitis is one of many possible complications of caries, an inflammatory process that affects not only dental tissues. It also has negative consequences for bone tissues that surround root apices. Generally there are 3 varieties of periodontitis: cyst, granuloma, and fibrous form of the disease.

Fracture of the side of the tooth caused by caries – split of the side of the tooth caused by cari

Caries is a process of destruction of dental tissues and bones. The main cause of caries is the influence of acids. Acids are produced by bacteria living in the mouth cavity. These bacteria work sugar from blood into acid. Caries is one of the main causes of fractures of teeth. It makes teeth weaker and less capable of resisting all kinds of negative influences.

Fracture of a part of the tooth as a result of overloading

Parodentium is one of the most important elements in the mouth cavity. It functions as a support apparatus and is responsible for occlusal load. In fact every tooth in a person`s mouth is designed to perform its own function and stand its specific occlusal load that can differ not only in its intensity but also in its direction. Moreover, occlusal load stimulates metabolic processes in parodentium tissues.

Fracture of the filling – split of the filling

It is a sad thing to say but human body can sometimes cause trouble. Teeth are not an exception. When something goes wrong with the tooth it is necessary to treat or restore it. Filling is a method of restoration of teeth used to treat defects usually caused by caries. Some time ago metal (amalgam) and concrete fillings made of powder and water were widely used in dentistry.
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3M bracket systems Adequate width of attached gingiva Burning membranes mucous of Dental filling fracture Periodontitis Scaling teeth roots
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